25 July 2022 Subconscious Rewiring Workshop

Rebirth -Reprogram & Reset your consciousness for greater success in life.
25 July evening workshop start 17:15 hrs - 19:45 hrs
A powerful combination of LIR Limbic Imprinting Recoding , guided mediation , breathwork & sound healing
Facilitated by Helen Hansen www.helenhansen.co.za.and Susan Rossetto from Savriti Welnness
What is LIR Limbic Imprinting Recoding ?
Within every cell of our body we carry an imprint from our formative years. Researchers have found that when the emotional body is overwhelmed during the formative years, then behavioural patterns follow that include the inability to cope with stress, addictions, emotional upheaval and learning disabilities.
During gestation and early childhood, the cortex thinking mind is not fully developed thus it is the limbic system which registers all of our sensations and feelings. The memories of this early formative stage lives in the body the rest of our life whether we know it or not.
Researchers in the field of prenatal psychology, namely, Dr. Thomas Verny, Dr. David Chamberlain and Dr. William Emerson show that an overwhelming amount of physical conditions and behavioral disorders, are the direct result of traumatic gestation time and complications during delivery, including unnecessary mechanical interventions and an overdose of anesthesia.
The good news is that the limbic can be reset through the Birth into Being method. This gentle process of reworking the birth memory cognitively, emotionally and physically, allows the whole being to accept new information on all levels. The Birth Into Being method directly transforms your Limbic Imprint so you can access your ultimate potentiality.
This safe and effective method brilliantly interweaves epigenetics and neuroplasticity with the richness of storytelling, visualization, gentle touch and movement.
This powerful workshop contains
- Welcome -+ Intro to LIR Limbic Imprint Recoding -
- Intro to kundalini and how it supports LIR -
- Kundalini yoga -
- Water break & preparation of individual nests -
- Guided meditation and visualisation -
- Gong and sound grounding -
- Inner reflection
- Integration with warm tea and closing-
TOTAL: 2.5 hours Investment
ZAR 600 per person includes refreshments
Book via whatsapp
Susan 064-8157416 or Helen 081-7159490 for more info helen@helenhansen.co.za
“My experience has led to a few realisations about how I live my life and where I’m stuck. The process was simple, yet powerful as it revealed my blocks clearly and yet profoundly reminded me of my connection to something greater”. – Monica Robinson
“Thank you for releasing me from the pain I felt. I feel as if I have a new lease on life and a fresh start”. – Sharassa
“The breathing technique helped me move deeper into the experience. It was incredibly grounding and I am still working through the substantial effects!!! It really is a powerful process!” – Thanusha
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