• personalized healing yoga wellness art spring detox retreats at luxury hotel de kloof boutique estate western cape swellendam south africa

15-19 Sept Cleansing Detox Spring Retreat

A specially curated 5 day detox Spring clean Retreat that will help you clean not only your physical body but also guide and navigate you through the inner cleansing of your emotional and mental patterns.
Expect detoxification, yoga, art, personal development and a mindful experience to remember for life

What makes this Retreat Special 



  • Detox physical body, emotional and mental patterns
  • Learning powerful breathing techniques and how to benefit from them
  • Focus on lymphatic cleansing 
  • Well balanced 5 day juices, drinks and healthy light plant based meals ( evening)
  • Learning how to establish simple daily practice for balance life





Prepared and served with much love and attention plant based food followed by ayruveda principles will support your detox process. Meals, enough  drinks and water to hydrate and warmth your body , seasonal fruits and nuts are available throughout the day

Guests loved the food rating 5 out of 5 , a well balanced juice fasting program comprises of organic freshly pressed juices, a plant based meal is served at night and a  light lunch option for people  who wish to take a more gentle approach.


Skill Level

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced



Free gifts 

  • Gift upon departure
  • Personal  travel assistance for round trip hotel bookings / car rental with our inhouse hotel expert
  • Discount on extra nights booked




Its Happening and we would love for you to be a part of it