Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra holds great benefits for anyone suffering anxiety or going through difficult and challenging times in their life. It is said that a 60 minute yoga Nidra session is equivalent to a four-hour sleep
Yoga Nidra is an ancient yogic technique that takes you to a state where your senses, your mind and your intellect completely relaxes. Yoga Nidra literally translates to yogic sleep. The Yoga Teacher leads you into effortless relaxation as you simply lie down and follow her voice. The practice draws your attention inwards, and you enter a restful state between wakefulness and sleep, where your body and breath finds its natural state of balance and you fall into a peaceful state of deep and pleasant awareness.
Lying comfortably on a yoga mat , you escape the concepts of time, space and reason and your brain activity reduces. This creates a state where the body goes into healing as it enters a specific state of internal awareness.
Also in this healing state, you can clear toxins at a cellular level, refresh the mind and remove baggage from the subconscious. It is a conscious experience of dreamless, deep sleep and deeper connection to Self.
It is suitable for every adult regardless of age or physical fitness/flexibility levels. It is particularly useful for those who have busy lives and find it hard to ‘let go’.
Private or group sessions available
Facilitator Susan Rossetto from Savriti Wellness
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